Time to start enrollment

Well, it’s that time of year again. Fall Enrollment. I also need to lock down what I am going to do for my thesis. The problem is that I should present my thesis for Mid-Point review at the start of next semester.I am going to have to come up with something quick. The problem is that I have been pretty brain dead when it comes to anything, but work and most recent assignments.

I am taking the summer off though. Trying to finish one degree while pursuing another really wiped me out mentally, and in a lot of ways emotionally.

Then there is work to contend with. Not that it’s bad. Just the rate that my brain can take in new information has become limited. I have been playing with PhP more lately, and with the help of coworkers I have been trying to increase my skills in PhP and JS. I also am trying to experiment more with visual design. The days of the graphic designer being a single faceted discipline are well over. A lot of designers who I talked to got into art because they hated math only to have to become buddy buddy with the slide rule as they learned Flash, JavaScript, CSS, and dynamic scripting. Lots o’fun all around.

Then there’s getting back in shape. I have these moments where I start to do real good, and I drop the pounds. Eventually, though, I hit a point where the motivation drops and the pounds come back on. All I want is to be able to pull out my good Hawaiian shirts, and maybe get a couple bark cloth ones as well.

One thing at a time. Well, this isn’t picking my classes for the fall.

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