New Site and Blog now in Beta… Now with more fish by-product.

I have been working real hard to get my site up and running. When I first got into web design, I never thought of things like maintenance, updating, managing, or even working across platform (or silly me). I decided that 1.) I need a new look, and 2.) I need to have a site that I can update frequently without pulling down code, and reuploading it; update the design iteratively; and be able to make minor modifications on somewhat of a daily basis (as neeeded).

After what seems to be a 3e+12 (get out your calculators) word cuss  job I finally have my TikiKitchen laid out, and coded.As with all things web, I decided to put my site into “Beta”. What, Timmy? “What is ‘Beta'”, you ask? Well, I’ll tell ya. “Beta” is computer jargon for “I am too lazy to test this myself. I think I will have other people test it for me.” This is closely related to “Gramma” meaning “I am too lazy to check my own Grammar at the moment.”

By now you should be very familiar with the term Beta. All major software companies put their software applications into Beta. Adobe does it, PayPal has done it. Hell, Gmail has been in Beta since the big bang (lazy, lazy Google*).

And MicroSoft? Well, they are just evil. Case in point, as expected I have about a billion glitches in IESucksAss, though the ones in IE7 were pretty easy to fix. I know I have minor changes to make as I move ahead, but I knew that I was going to forget something and for now the focus is cleaning up the little bugs in IE666, minor design and layout tweaks, and maybe even a double, espresso, car-a-mel machiatto (one for me, and one for my homies).

Other items on the list include finishing the portfolio gallery (hopefully tomorrow), add treatment for the sidebar, fix IE(really hate that browser)6, and getting some much needed and well deserved rest.

What I really need to do is to test the pages in Opera, Chrome, IE8, and maybe even a couple of Linux based browsers, but I think I can tackle most of those over time –  I may even try to put it in HTML 5 (jazz hands). For now, here is my new site… in Beta. If you see problems, or areas of improvement, I will greatly appreciate your comments. Not that I would actually do anything with them, I would just appreciate them. (Note: the first 100 suggestions will go into a drawing for the Name the Baby game).

Speaking of rest, I think there is a pillow calling my name.

* To the people at Google: Please don’t strike me down in fiery lightning of HTML death?

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